Terms of Use

Welcome to Gartner! We encourage you to take advantage of the content and features available on gartner.com and all Gartner-owned websites (each, a “website”).

Please read these non-negotiable terms of use carefully before using the website. By continuing to use the website, you (the “user”) agree to be bound by these terms of use.

If you purchase any subscription products or services from Gartner ("Services"), the terms of use for those Services will be set forth in a separate sales contract between you and Gartner. These TERMS OF USE will not in any way change or limit your rights and obligations under your Gartner sales contract.

If you have not yet purchased Services from Gartner or are not already a Gartner Client, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about the benefits and value that Gartner can provide.

Website Content and Copyright:
This Website and all translations are the property of Gartner and are protected by U.S. and international copyright law and conventions. Gartner grants to User the right to access and use the Website, and in some cases a license to make a limited machine translation, so long as such use is for internal information purposes, and User does not alter, copy, disseminate, redistribute or republish any content or feature of this Website. User acknowledges that access to and use of this Website is subject to these TERMS OF USE and any expanded access or use must be approved in writing by Gartner.

Changes or Updates to the Website:
Gartner reserves the right to change, update or discontinue any aspect of this Website at any time without notice. Your continued use of the Website after any such change constitutes your agreement to these TERMS OF USE, as modified.

Disclaimer of Warranties:
Gartner does not make any warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this Website. Although Gartner takes reasonable steps to screen this Website for infection by viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code manifesting contaminating or destructive properties, Gartner cannot guarantee that it will be free of infection, code vulnerabilities, or that it will be available at any particular time or location.

Accuracy of Information:
While the information contained on this Website has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, Gartner disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information. User assumes sole responsibility for the use it makes of this Website to achieve his/her intended results. 

Third-Party Links:
This Website may contain links to other third-party websites, which are provided as additional resources for the convenience of Users. Gartner does not endorse, sponsor or accept any responsibility for these third-party websites, User agrees to direct any concerns relating to these third-party websites to the relevant website administrator. 

Limitation of Liability:
In no event will Gartner be liable for: (a) damages of any kind, including without limitation, direct, incidental or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, damages for lost profits Limitation of Liability: business interruption and loss of programs or information) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Website, or any information provided on this Website, or (b) any claim attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in the information provided on this Website. 

In accessing and using this Website, User agrees to comply with all applicable laws and agrees not to take any action that would compromise the security or viability of this Website. Gartner may terminate User's access to this Website at any time for any reason. The terms hereunder regarding Disclaimer of Warranty, Accuracy of Information, Indemnification, and Third Party Rights shall survive termination. 

User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Gartner, its affiliates, licensors, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of User's use/ misuse of this Website.

Third-Party Rights:
The terms hereunder regarding Disclaimer of Warranty, Limitation of Liability and Indemnification are for the benefit of Gartner, and its licensors, employees and agents, each of whom shall have the right to assert and enforce those terms against a User.

General Provisions:
Any provision in any written communication received by Gartner in connection with this Website which is inconsistent with, or adds to, these TERMS OF USE is void. If any term hereunder is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, all remaining terms will remain in full force and effect

Governing Law:
These TERMS OF USE and the resolution of any dispute arising hereunder shall all be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Connecticut, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. User consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Connecticut.

Privacy Statement:
User's right to privacy is of paramount importance to Gartner. When you register to use our Website, Gartner will ask you to provide your name, organization, email address, and other related information. Gartner will use this information to provide you with a more personalized online experience and, where applicable, to process orders, as well as to keep track of what topics are of interest to our Users. Gartner will not share this information with any third party

Restriction on Use:
User will not (i) violate the security of the Site nor attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, data, materials, information, computer systems or networks connected to any server associated with the Site, through hacking, password timing or any other means; (ii) take nor attempt any action that, in the sole discretion of Gartner, imposes or may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large burden on the Site or its infrastructure; (iii) use nor attempt to use any scraper, robot, bot, spider, data mining, computer code, or any other automated device, program, tool, algorithm, process or methodology to access, index, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of the Site, any data or content found on or accessed through the Site without the prior written consent of Gartner; (iv) forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any other content; (v) use nor attempt to use any data or content found on or accessed through the Site as input into or for the training or development of generative artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, software, or related technologies, to create any derivative works, compilations or collective works, or for any purpose that infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any intellectual property right, or that allows any third parties to access, use or benefit from our proprietary intellectual property in any way.

Claims of Copyright Infringement:
We respect the intellectual property rights of others and will not tolerate infringing activity on our Sites. If you are a copyright owner or agent, and you believe your rights under applicable copyright laws are being infringed by us or another person or entity using our Sites or Services, you may submit to our Designated Copyright Agent (ip@gartner.com) a written notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") (17 U.S.C. § 512), which includes the following information:

  • A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the work(s) that has/have been allegedly infringed;
  • Identification of the work or material being infringed, or, if multiple works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works;
  • Your contact information, including phone number and e-mail address at which you may be contacted;
  • Your good faith statement that the use of the work or material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
  • A statement that the information in your notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed copyright.

We reserve the right to seek damages from any person who knowingly, materially submits a DMCA notification claim under this section in violation of the law.

Digital Services Act (DSA) Notice (for EU users):
The DSA sets out rules for digital service providers in the European Union (EU) to ensure a safe and trusted online environment for our website users. More information about the DSA can be found here. We are committed to complying with the DSA by actively managing and monitoring content and activities on our site(s) and supporting the rights of our users in the EU.

Should you encounter content or activities on our site(s) which you believe to be illegal, in breach of our Terms of Use or guidelines, or violate the rights and safety of others, we encourage you to report this to us immediately, by contacting legalcompliance@gartner.com.

When reporting such content or activities to us, please include the following information in your email:

  1. The subject line of your email should begin with the words "DSA Notice";
  2. A detailed description of the illegal or non-compliant content or activity along with its specific location on our site, including the URL or a screenshot of the content; and
  3. Your contact details so we can follow up with you, as necessary.