Gartner Usage Policy

Thank you for purchasing a License to Gartner Research. We've created this Gartner Usage Policy (formerly the Usage Guidelines for Gartner Services) especially for you, the Licensed User. By continuing to use and access this website, you agree to this new title. Through easy-to-understand rules and practical scenarios, the Gartner Usage Policy is intended to help you use the Gartner Services within your contractual entitlements; and also get the most value from your Gartner relationship.

This Gartner Usage Policy is intended to address the following areas:

  1. Research Documents for Internal Use (within your company)
  2. Research Documents for External Use (outside your company)
  3. Inquiry
  4. Usernames & Passwords

Baseline License: This Gartner Usage Policy constitutes a baseline license that is generally applicable to Licensed Users who have purchased a subscription to Gartner Services. Where a specific Gartner product offering includes entitlements that are different from the baseline license (i.e., additional entitlements communicated in the Service Description or within the Research deliverable itself), the terms of that product offering will apply. Gartner reserves the right to periodically update this Gartner Usage Policy. 

Product Specific Usage: As the Gartner product portfolio continues to expand, even baseline usage parameters may slightly vary by the type of Service the client has purchased. If a Licensed User is unclear as to how a usage parameter in this Gartner Usage Policy applies to the Service they have purchased, they should contact their Account Representative for further guidance.

Monitoring of Usage: Please note that Gartner monitors activity on our web site, including use of our Services by Licensed Users. If we see indications that our Services are being used outside of this Gartner Usage Policy, we may contact your company and ask you to investigate your use of the Services and provide us with information to validate that the Services are being used within your contractual entitlement. In the event of non-compliance, Gartner will issue notice of such non-compliance to your company.  Following receipt of such notice, your company will have 30 days to correct the non-compliance. As it relates to use or indication of automation, regardless of the technical means used, Gartner further reserves the right at its sole discretion to immediately disable the impacted user license(s) until the concern is addressed with the client. If you wish to view the practical scenarios, you may do so at Gartner Usage Policy. Gartner reserves the right to periodically update the practical scenarios to address client feedback and business needs. For any questions, contact

Updated as of July 2024