Acceptable Use
Frank (Licensed User) is gearing up for his strategic marketing plan presentation to his senior management. He has prepared a 15-page presentation that he would like for the Gartner Research expert to review. If Frank subscribes to a license with the appropriate Inquiry entitlements, he may leverage an Inquiry session for a Document review. As a general rule, Gartner Research experts will conduct Document reviews specific to Requests for Proposal (RFP), marketing or business plans, and other business-related documents. The document size may not: (i) exceed 20 pages, or (ii) include any attachments because it is not practical for Gartner or useful to Frank for the Research expert to try to analyze and discuss more than 20 pages during an Inquiry session. Further, it is not a legal service and Gartner will not provide any written responses, redline markups or line-by-line pricing analysis.
Dawn (Licensed User) is preparing her strategy for an upcoming IT outsourcing negotiation and would like to determine if there is an opportunity to improve the business terms of the proposal. If Dawn subscribes to a license with the appropriate Inquiry entitlements, she may leverage an Inquiry session for a Proposal review. As a general rule, Gartner Research experts will conduct reviews specific to unsigned pricing proposals; business terms and conditions; and negotiation strategies. However, the proposal size may not: (i) exceed 20 pages, or (ii) include any attachments because it is not practical for Gartner or useful to Dawn for the Research expert to try to analyze and discuss more than 20 pages during a discrete Inquiry session. Further, it is not a legal service and Gartner will not provide any written responses, redline markups or line-by-line pricing analysis.
Unacceptable Use
George (Licensed User) is in the early stages of preparing to negotiate a software renewal which is a 100-page proposal and includes several attachments. He would like to leverage his Inquiry entitlement and schedule a Gartner Research expert to review and discuss the proposal in its entirety; however, given the 20-page restriction, he intends to schedule a series of Inquiry sessions with the same or different Gartner Research expert(s) to review and discuss 20 pages at a time. This is an unacceptable use of Inquiry because Proposal reviews are limited up to 20 pages max per document including its attachments. It is not practical for Gartner or useful to George for the Research expert to try to analyze and discuss more than 20 pages during a discrete Inquiry session. Further, if George were to break up the review amongst multiple Research experts it would lack consistency or continuity a one-time discreet review would deliver. Lastly, it is not a legal service and Gartner will not provide any written responses, redline markups or line-by-line pricing analysis. Should the proposal and its attachments exceed 20 pages, contact your Account Representative regarding Gartner Consulting’s Contract Optimization Service or the purchase of a Strategic Advisory Services (“SAS”) engagement.
John (Licensed User), the CMO of his company, is developing sales collateral and messaging before taking his new product to market. He would like to schedule an Inquiry session to ensure the value proposition is messaged correctly for his company’s target markets. Even though the sales collateral and messaging is under the 20-page limit, John would also like to include additional reference materials for the Gartner Research expert to review. This is an unacceptable use of Inquiry because Document reviews are limited to the document itself (up to 20 pages) and no additional reference materials will be reviewed. It is not practical for Gartner or useful to John for the Research expert to try to analyze and discuss more than 20 pages during a discrete Inquiry session. Further, it is not a legal service and Gartner will not provide any written responses, redline markups or line-by-line pricing analysis. Should the document you wish to be reviewed include any additional reference materials, you may contact your Account Representative to purchase a Strategic Advisory Services (“SAS”) engagement.
Dawn (Licensed User) would like for Gartner to review an important hardware proposal for an upcoming renewal. She would like the Gartner Research expert to review the proposal in its entirety however it exceeds 20 pages. To get around the 20-page limitation, Dawn is considering to significantly modify the formatting of the contract. This is an unacceptable use of Inquiry because Proposal reviews are limited up to 20 pages max per document including its attachments. It is not practical for Gartner or useful to Dawn for the Research expert to try to analyze and discuss more than 20 pages during a discrete Inquiry session. Further, it is not a legal service and Gartner will not provide any written responses, redline markups or line-by-line pricing analysis. Should the proposal you wish to be reviewed exceed 20 pages and or include any additional reference materials, you may contact your Account Representative regarding Gartner Consulting’s Contract Optimization Service or the purchase of a Strategic Advisory Services (“SAS”) engagement.